Invisalign vs. Braces | The Pros and Cons

Invisalign in Queens NY Braces in Queens NY

Invisalign in Queens vs. Braces in Queens

You finally made the big decision to straighten your teeth with orthodontics. But with all the options available, how do you know which type of brace is right for you? The two most obvious options are Invisalign in Queens, which use virtually invisible aligners to straighten teeth, and metal braces in Queens, using traditional brackets and wires. 

Both options have pros and cons that you need to weigh before deciding which is the best orthodontic treatment for you. Knowing which type is better or faster is essential in the success of your treatment..

Let's look at the pros and cons of Invisalign vs. braces.

Advantages of Invisalign Aligners

The advantages of an Invisalign treatment are pretty obvious. Aligners are practically invisible and removable, which is why most people choose them as the best option for straightening teeth.

You can remove the aligners for special events like weddings, family photos, or important speeches. Aligners are convenient when it comes to cleaning teeth at home. Hence, patients that choose Invisalign typically have better oral hygiene than those wearing traditional braces.

Disadvantages of Invisalign

Because aligners are entirely removable, they only work when they are on the teeth. It means that the majority of the responsibility for orthodontic success rests on you following your dentist’s instructions. You must wear them for at least 22 hours daily. Frankly, if you don't wear them, they don't work. 

Invisalign is not available for young children, and there are limitations regarding complex tooth movement in severely crooked teeth. 

Advantages of Traditional Braces

Traditional braces use brackets, wires, and rubber bands to move the teeth into the correct position. Because the brackets are cemented to the teeth, treatment success depends on the dentist. Patients who seem to struggle with consistency would have much better success with traditional braces.

Braces can achieve more complicated tooth movements than aligners. In many cases, braces may work faster than aligners and can treat all ages, including young children. Don't worry; you don't have to settle for metal; at Robert W. Bruno in Queens, we also offer tooth-colored ceramic braces and lingual braces.

Disadvantages of Metal Braces

Many orthodontic patients find the idea of wearing all that metal in their mouths embarrassing - especially those in their teens and adults. Besides that, brackets and wires rub and cut the insides of the cheeks, tongue and lips and can cause a lot of discomfort.

Brackets and wires also make brushing and flossing at home much more difficult. Many patients that don’t put in enough effort can suffer from excessive plaque buildup and stained teeth during treatment.

Invisalign or Braces | What's Best for You?

Call Robert W Bruno, your orthodontist in Queens, to schedule a consultation with our dental team. We will answer any questions about your options and help you tailor the best orthodontic plan for your unique teeth and your future healthy, beautiful smile. 

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